Exercising helps maintaining our circulation system, promotes the growth of vascular density in our brains and keeps our brains in a great condition. Moreover, exercising increases oxygen flow to our brains, which is always accompanied by an uptake in mental sharpness.

Exercising helps with weight controls by burning fat and calories, building up muscles and boosting your metabolism. By increasing blood flow, exercise helps with nutrients uptake and nourishing skin cells and keeping them vital, as blood carries oxygen and nutrients to working cells throughout the body, including the skin.

Regular weight bearing exercises such as resistance training, running, walking, and aerobics reduce the risk of osteoporosis by preserving your bone density. These exercises also lubricate your joints, helping to prevent strain, improve posture, and reduce the risk of back pain.

Exercise relieves cramps because it helps release beta-endorphins, which are internal opioids, our own human morphine. Moreover, higher level of testosterone circulating increase the risk of developing breast and endometrial cancers. Findings suggested that female athletes produce lower level of testosterone comparing to office ladies. Norwegian researcher also suggested that exercising for 4 hours per week can decrease the risk of breast cancer prevalence by 37%.

Exercise equals energy! Exercise can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. While exercising, endorphins are released into your bloodstream, giving you that energy boost that can last the whole day. Exercise deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently, which provide you more energy to go about your daily chores.

During exercises, our bodies release a chemical called endorphins and a protein called BDNF, which can trigger positive feelings in the body, and protect us from feeling stressed. A study conducted by Tufts University in America indicates that 15 minutes of exercise is more effective than taking tranquilizers in relieving tension and anxiety. Moreover, in another study, resistant training has shown to be effective in treating short-term depressive symptoms in 14 out of 17 patients.

Investigation has suggested that, females who exercise regularly has a longer life expectancy than those without exercise habit. Exercise can reduce resting heart rate*, lower blood pressure and increase high-density lipoproteins (good cholesterol), which decreases the risk of heart and lung diseases, and trims the chances of becoming obese or developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
*Resting heart rate (RHR) is measured while the subject is relaxed but awake. Your RHR is often a good indication of how fit you are. The typical resting heart rate in adults is 60–80 beats per minute (bpm), and it is not unusual for endurance athletes to have a resting heart rate between 50 and 60 bpm.